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Woolston Infant School

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils. The funding is allocated to schools for children from Reception to Year 11. The Government gives schools pupil premium funding for:

  • every child currently registered as eligible for free school meals
  • all children eligible for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years
  • children who have been looked after by the local authority
  • children whose parents serve in the armed forces

The Pupil Premium funding for 2024-25 allocated schools with £1480per disadvantaged child of primary school age.

 How much pupil premium money does our school get?

 Number of pupils on Roll


Number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium


Amount of Pupil Premium Per Pupil


Percentage of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium


Total amount of pupil premium


The decision about how to spend this additional funding is for schools to decide. Nationally there is considerable evidence to show that children in receipt of Free School Meals achieve less well than their peers. The purpose of the additional funding is to ensure that the school addresses the social, emotional, academic and enrichment needs of disadvantaged pupils and enables us to improve their attainment and progress.

We will ensure that the funding is used for the appropriate pupils and that it makes a significant impact to their education and lives.